* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao\CoreBundle\Routing;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\NoRootPageFoundException;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\ContaoFramework;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Page\PageRegistry;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Page\PageRoute;
use Contao\Model\Collection;
use Contao\PageModel;
use Contao\System;
use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Candidates\CandidatesInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
class RouteProvider extends AbstractPageRouteProvider
private bool $legacyRouting;
private bool $prependLocale;
* @internal
public function __construct(ContaoFramework $framework, CandidatesInterface $candidates, PageRegistry $pageRegistry, bool $legacyRouting, bool $prependLocale)
parent::__construct($framework, $candidates, $pageRegistry);
$this->legacyRouting = $legacyRouting;
$this->prependLocale = $prependLocale;
public function getRouteCollectionForRequest(Request $request): RouteCollection
$pathInfo = rawurldecode($request->getPathInfo());
// The request string must not contain "auto_item" (see #4012)
if (false !== strpos($pathInfo, '/auto_item/')) {
return new RouteCollection();
$routes = [];
if ('/' === $pathInfo || ($this->legacyRouting && $this->prependLocale && preg_match('@^/([a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?)/$@', $pathInfo))) {
$this->addRoutesForRootPages($this->findRootPages($request->getHttpHost()), $routes);
return $this->createCollectionForRoutes($routes, $request->getLanguages());
$pages = $this->findCandidatePages($request);
if (empty($pages)) {
return new RouteCollection();
$this->addRoutesForPages($pages, $routes);
return $this->createCollectionForRoutes($routes, $request->getLanguages());
public function getRouteByName($name): Route
$ids = $this->getPageIdsFromNames([$name]);
if (empty($ids)) {
throw new RouteNotFoundException('Route name does not match a page ID');
$pageModel = $this->framework->getAdapter(PageModel::class);
$page = $pageModel->findByPk($ids[0]);
if (null === $page || !$this->pageRegistry->isRoutable($page)) {
throw new RouteNotFoundException(sprintf('Page ID "%s" not found', $ids[0]));
$routes = [];
$this->addRoutesForPage($page, $routes);
if (!\array_key_exists($name, $routes)) {
throw new RouteNotFoundException('Route "'.$name.'" not found');
return $routes[$name];
public function getRoutesByNames($names): array
$pageModel = $this->framework->getAdapter(PageModel::class);
if (null === $names) {
$pages = $pageModel->findAll();
} else {
$ids = $this->getPageIdsFromNames($names);
if (empty($ids)) {
return [];
$pages = $pageModel->findBy('tl_page.id IN ('.implode(',', $ids).')', []);
if (!$pages instanceof Collection) {
return [];
$routes = [];
/** @var array<PageModel> $models */
$models = $pages->getModels();
$models = array_filter($models, fn (PageModel $page): bool => $this->pageRegistry->isRoutable($page));
$this->addRoutesForPages($models, $routes);
return $routes;
* @param iterable<PageModel> $pages
private function addRoutesForPages(iterable $pages, array &$routes): void
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$this->addRoutesForPage($page, $routes);
* @param array<PageModel> $pages
private function addRoutesForRootPages(array $pages, array &$routes): void
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$route = $this->pageRegistry->getRoute($page);
$this->addRoutesForRootPage($route, $routes);
private function createCollectionForRoutes(array $routes, array $languages): RouteCollection
$this->sortRoutes($routes, $languages);
$collection = new RouteCollection();
foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
$collection->add($name, $route);
return $collection;
private function addRoutesForPage(PageModel $page, array &$routes): void
try {
if (!$page->rootId) {
} catch (NoRootPageFoundException $e) {
$route = $this->pageRegistry->getRoute($page);
$routes['tl_page.'.$page->id] = $route;
$this->addRoutesForRootPage($route, $routes);
private function addRoutesForRootPage(PageRoute $route, array &$routes): void
$page = $route->getPageModel();
if ('root' !== $page->type && 'index' !== $page->alias && '/' !== $page->alias) {
$urlPrefix = $route->getUrlPrefix();
$routes['tl_page.'.$page->id.'.root'] = new Route(
$urlPrefix ? '/'.$urlPrefix.'/' : '/',
if (!$urlPrefix || (!$this->legacyRouting && $page->loadDetails()->disableLanguageRedirect)) {
$routes['tl_page.'.$page->id.'.fallback'] = new Route(
'_controller' => 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController::urlRedirectAction',
'path' => '/'.$urlPrefix.'/',
'permanent' => false,
* Sorts routes so that the FinalMatcher will correctly resolve them.
* 1. The ones with hostname should come first, so the ones with empty host are only taken if no hostname matches
* 2. Root pages come last, so non-root pages with index alias (= identical path) match first
* 3. Root/Index pages must be sorted by accept language and fallback, so the best language matches first
* 4. Pages with longer alias (folder page) must come first to match if applicable
private function sortRoutes(array &$routes, array $languages = null): void
// Convert languages array so key is language and value is priority
if (null !== $languages) {
$languages = $this->convertLanguagesForSorting($languages);
function (Route $a, Route $b) use ($languages, $routes) {
$nameA = array_search($a, $routes, true);
$nameB = array_search($b, $routes, true);
$fallbackA = 0 === substr_compare($nameA, '.fallback', -9);
$fallbackB = 0 === substr_compare($nameB, '.fallback', -9);
if ($fallbackA && !$fallbackB) {
return 1;
if ($fallbackB && !$fallbackA) {
return -1;
if ('/' === $a->getPath() && '/' !== $b->getPath()) {
return -1;
if ('/' === $b->getPath() && '/' !== $a->getPath()) {
return 1;
return $this->compareRoutes($a, $b, $languages);
* @return array<PageModel>
private function findRootPages(string $httpHost): array
if (
&& !empty($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getRootPageFromUrl'])
&& \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getRootPageFromUrl'])
) {
$system = $this->framework->getAdapter(System::class);
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getRootPageFromUrl'] as $callback) {
$page = $system->importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}();
if ($page instanceof PageModel) {
return [$page];
$models = [];
$pageModel = $this->framework->getAdapter(PageModel::class);
$pages = $pageModel->findBy(["(tl_page.type='root' AND (tl_page.dns=? OR tl_page.dns=''))"], $httpHost);
if ($pages instanceof Collection) {
$models = $pages->getModels();
/** @var Collection|array<PageModel> $pages */
$pages = $pageModel->findBy(['tl_page.alias=? OR tl_page.alias=?'], ['index', '/']);
if ($pages instanceof Collection) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($this->pageRegistry->isRoutable($page)) {
$models[] = $page;
return $models;